Critters of Bright Valley: Weekly Episodes 2 Catty Servants

Spring cleaning time, her newest spell Wren grasps the wisdom sometimes a simple solution is best.

Unlimited Toon Studios: Critters of Bright Valley III, Royal Rabbit Rescue

Art by Jose-Ramiro “Hey, book-boy, I noticed you didn’t have this book in your library, so I figured I’d share,” Blush the rabbit cheered, holding a triangle box. “You know Blush, you spoke much more formally when we first met,” Seabright the seal observed matter of fact. Blush’s eyes nervously shifted for a moment. “No, …

Brave Little Embers: March of the Giant (1)

The land shook. The good Blue Knights and evil Red Knights had fought since the dawn of memory. Living suits of armor with their laser blasting sword, if one fell, he could be risen again to continue the fight. Their endless epic battle lay separate from the rest of the good and evil of the …

Life of a Catgirl Maid

(Author’s Notes: This story was originally written as a contest entry for the theme ‘explore the aftermath of a transformation’ something I like to think I’m decent at.) Originally published April 30, 2018. Gary was unemployed, but not through lack of trying, and rent was coming up. How do you get experience for a job …

Random Fantasy: Mabbie The Witch’s Day Out

Warning, the story contains violence in one scene and adult words. Mabbie the Witch happily skipped along. Okay, she wasn’t actually a demon contractor, but it sounded more catchy than ‘Mabbie The Sorceress’ or ‘Mabbie The Mage’. She was dressed in a stereotypical ‘sexy witch’ costume, sure, her elders scoffed at ‘mangling’ tradition, and her …

Magical Girls Saga

Author’s Notes: I originally wrote this story as part of a story contest. We were allowed up to five entries, with a explicit word limit on the first three entries. I decided to write an entire saga with each of the parts being a chapter or the prologue. I’d never shown a story to so …

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