Critters of Bright Valley Shorts: Faith In Friends

Author’s notes: This is a work of fiction. Nothing here is intended as a personal attack on anyone, anywhere. Cover art and editing By GodzillaWolf1 Faith stood on her balcony during another sunny day in Bright Valley. “Hi everyone, it’s me, Faith the fox! Everyone knows it’s good manners to act like someone is watching. …

Critters of Bright Valley Short: Product Placement

Art By Cuttle Dreams “And we have a score tied at two for two. It’s the Sunshine Blush verses the Faithful Pluck for the match point!” “Blush, shouldn’t Seabright give the narration as the referee?” Sunzhine the zebra asked. “Huh? Oh right. Sorry Seabright,” the rabbit said casually. “It’s fine Blush, you give better dramatic …

Critters of Bright Valley Short “In The Dark”

Author’s notes: (This was written while I was writing story 4. It contained spoilers for that part, and so had to be put on hold. Now that story 4 is complete, this short story can be shared with everyone. Enjoy.) — Then suddenly, bang, crash, smash, the entire world was upended, everything collapsed in on …

Unlimited Toon Studios: Critters of Bright Valley III, Royal Rabbit Rescue

Art by Jose-Ramiro “Hey, book-boy, I noticed you didn’t have this book in your library, so I figured I’d share,” Blush the rabbit cheered, holding a triangle box. “You know Blush, you spoke much more formally when we first met,” Seabright the seal observed matter of fact. Blush’s eyes nervously shifted for a moment. “No, …

Dark Dragon’s Den

Once, upon a time, there were a group of people in a black cave. They had lived in the black cave for generations, and none alive had seen sunlight. Thus, they had to rely on their ears and hands to interact with the world.  At one end of the cave however, there was the jaws …

Magical Girls Saga

Author’s Notes: I originally wrote this story as part of a story contest. We were allowed up to five entries, with a explicit word limit on the first three entries. I decided to write an entire saga with each of the parts being a chapter or the prologue. I’d never shown a story to so …

Blank World, The Tower

(Thanks you to my editors. ) A middle aged man wandered a barren white wasteland. He had little idea of where he had come from, and even less idea of where he was going. It felt like the journey was all there was. He wasn’t even sure if he was going in a straight line …

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